Meet your guides

Trusted by local lawyers and banks for estate and probate appraisals

John and Susan have been a vital part of the Fort Street community since 2015 and have always had a long and varied interest in antiquities. Both have diverse backgrounds in retail, education, culture and the Arts. Susan has a Masters degree in Fine Arts, and has earned a living on stage, T.V., the film industry and as an educator. John is a self-proclaimed "Professor of Everything"—no area is too obscure to have escaped his attention. From childhood to the present, he has been passionate about all things collectible: rare musical instruments to ancient coins, bank notes, gold and silver coins, and precious metals.

At Britannia, we have your interests at heart and we are always attentive when our customers come to see us with their treasures. You will find a welcoming, relaxing atmosphere in our store and we consistently reach out in our daily correspondence and continued business relationships.

Call us first... as your trusted partners in estate and downsizing, and always for personalized service.